Machine With Strong Pulling System

It is obvious that tube removal is an intricate process that normally involves pulling out tubes and tube stubs as well as cutting of tubes. Since the tubes of heat exchangers and steam condensers corrode and suffer because of long-term use, the tubes require replacement at regular intervals that can help the unit as well as the operator to keep it working at its full capacity. The companies have developed a rich line up of tube pulling machines.The machines are able to successfully pull out tubes that are deteriorated and help in the healthy operation of plants and factories. The tubes, being used at various places, play an important role and hence one must focus on the quality as well as maintenance of the tubes.

The oldest method of removing tubes from a tube sheet is to manually pull them out by using a suitable tool after they are crushed with a hammer. This kind of method will take a lot of time and manpower because each tube requires to be pulled out individually. Tube removal tools are discussed below:

Continuous hydraulic tube puller

In this method, tubes are pulled continuously through the gun, and both methods pneumatic power packs and electric packs are utilized. In power, pack pressure is allowed up to 350 bar working pressure.

  • The hydraulic tube pulling gun is in commune with power pack through 9v DC remote control thus ensuring safety and eliminating the requirement of electrical cord between gun and pump.
  • It is available in electric TTP system or pneumatic PPP system for perils, hazardous explosive working surroundings.
  • The microprocessor is controlled on power pack and hydraulic tube pulling gun ensuring trouble-free
  • The tube can be removed without any damage to the tube
  • Ease of operation and low setup time and smooth tube removal.
  • High speed automatic cycling and high power for highest speed of tube puller.
  • Available with auto switch over from low-pressure, high flow to high-pressure, low flow on load and when the load is released again back to a low-pressure, high flow.
  • It has automatic slow start feature to diminish the risk of breaking tube puller, and it conserves consumables.
  • Fitted with compact power pack and hydraulic tube pilling gun.
  • It has stainless steel body of power pack for longer corrosion free life
  • Low maintenance cost
  • It is mounted on four-wheelers for easy handling and is portable with handle.
  • It removes tube without causing damage to the tube
  • Ease of operation and low set up time.
  • Only one man is needed for operation.
  • Considerable saving of time and money in comparison to conventional systems.
  • Contains interchangeable pulling guns with same power pack.
  • It has the compact design of gun and power pack.
  • Have 15ton gun and 30-ton
  • 24 VDC control electric power pack
  • It pulls up to 3 OD tubes continuously and pills up to 4 OD stub

Get the tube removal tools for effective removal

The industries are the backbone of any societies. They produce various products that help the society satisfy various requirements and progress. Many machines and people work for almost all the times to move the industries ahead on the path of progress. All the machines run for a number of hours every day, and after an interval, it needs to be maintained so that they can function effectively. To meet this task, there are many devices that help the operators.

One of such supporting device is a tube removal tool. There are numerous types of tubes used in the industry to carry out the vent as well as materials to different sections. Over a period the depositions in the tube make the path narrow, and hence the operator needs to either clean them or remove the tubes. The tube removal tools help him to remove such tubes that are required to maintain or replace. The tubes used in the industries are made of different materials, and accordingly, the operator needs to use the removal tool that can help to serve the purpose as desired. There are large sized as well as portable tools that can help the operator for this cause.

The device:

The tube removal tool is much helpful to get smaller as well as big tubes. This device is much user-friendly and saves a lot of amount of time of the operator. There are many producers of the devices in the market who offer quality tube removal tools to the industries. The devices for different tube size are different and hence one needs to choose a right size for the use. The operator needs to get the tool that can help him complete the task in a limited time and hence such devices can be immensely useful. There are also tube rolling controls which are another important device for an operator who needs to operate and maintain the rolling machines.

How to get the right device?

While purchasing the devices, it is much important that the buyer chose a right device. This is very much applicable to these devices also. One can check the devices in the local stores as they are considered as common devices these days. In case one is not sure about the specification he can narrate the requirement to the seller, and he will be able to provide the right device. In case it does not fit the job one can easily get it replaced also. The seller can provide the devices from different makers and in terms of different size and capacities. If there is more than one seller in the market one can visit different sellers and check the rates before finalizing a particular product. In case one does not get the devices in the local market, one can check the same on the online platform where thousands of devices are sold. One just needs to check the images and description before selecting the product and placing the order. The buyer can also use online channels and pay accordingly.

Tube Removal: Get the Tubes Removed Easily

In the industrial sector, one can check a lot of tools that are used in this age. The machines are an essential part of any industry in the manufacturing segment. Full-fledged utilization of machine can help the unit to gain the highest efficiency which directly relates to the profit making of the unit as well as the industry. If these machines do no run at their optimum capacity, the unit may have to suffer a loss in profit, and many other units with next processes can be disrupted with their function. Hence, to have perfect use of machine, one needs to maintain it perfectly.

The tube removal is the best tool to keep the machine free from depositions.


The tool:

This tool is used for removal of those tubes which are used, and the concerned equipment is of not much use now. This equipment includes a condenser, boiler, heat exchanger and many others. There are knockout tools, tube cutters, continuous tube puller, boiler tube plugs, tube drift, and internal tube cutters, as well as stab puller, condenser tube plugs, and exchanger tube plugs that are used for the application of tube removal in a systematic manner.  There are also lots of accessories of the same available in the market that is used in the process of tube removal.  There are lots of makers in the market who offer different models and sizes that can help to remove the tubes from different sizes and equipment.  The tube removal tools are used in a number of industries. The makers care for quality that is much required in the process.

The shopping of tool:

In this age of online shopping, to get such an industrial tool is also not much difficult. This sort of tool is not that ordinary, but there are plenty of engineering stores also that sell such tools online. Doubtlessly there are many shops in the offline market as well that can offer quality tools. The shopper must check the quality of the tool before finalizing any particular brand. In the case of online shopping, the description of the tool holds great significance. One needs to check the tool thoroughly with the help of images and provided information on the site of the store.

To purchase the tool is also easy in these stores. One may have to create login account before placing the order. After creation of the account, one can check all the images and information on the site of the store and then select a particular tool. Once the tool is selected, one can add the same to the cart and proceed to checkout after making the payment. The payment of the tool can be made through a credit card or a debit card as well as net banking, which is considered as an online payment. If the store offers payment on delivery of the tool, one can go for the same also. In a few days, the online store sends the tool with the help of courier on the provided address by the shopper.

Removing Tubes Is Not A Piece Of Cake..!!!

The tubes in the boiler, heat exchanger or condenser are constantly subjected to extreme temperatures and pressures. After a considerable period of time, the tubes have to be replaced with the newer ones. If not, the performance of the firm drops down. The tubes get corroded, there comes a stage where you can no longer use the equipment. When you are heading to replace the tubes, one has to note that tube pulling is never easy. Here under, we specify a few tube removal tools.

Tube plugs: It is a handy tool while dealing with damaged or leaked tubes in equipment like boilers, heat exchangers etc. The exposed damage or leak can be sealed off with a tube plug. In general, they are made of fiber, stainless steel, brass and carbon steel.

Internal tube cutter: This is used along with a ratchet handle and is operated manually. It is so designed that it can cut off the tube in just a single revolution. It yields better results when used on non-ferrous tools. Its working is based on eccentric principle.


Manual tube puller: We can obtain a wide range of tube pullers, which has to be selected based on the diameter of the tube to be removed. This device is inserted manually into the tube and then pulled out. Small quantities of tubes can be removed with ease by using this device.

Wall reducer: Pulling out thicker tubes is never easy. We need to apply intense force and it can cause damage to the equipment. To simplify this process, we can work on the walls of the heavy tubes to reduce their thickness. Wall reducers are used for this purpose. Each of these tools is designed to be used on a maximum range of wall thickness.

Continuous tube pulling system: Of late, in the attempts to automate the tube removal tools, the continuous tube pulling system has evolved. It is electrically driven and can pull the tubes in the least time possible causing minimum damage to the system. The manufacturer provides the pulling guns, which can be chosen based on the type of tube to be pulled.

Pneumatic hammer: it is highly recommended device to drive the collapsing and knockout tools. Tubes can be punched out of the sheets by using the knockout sheets. On the other hand, the collapsing tools are used to collapse the tubes at one end. It is from the other end, the tubes will be pulled out.

Tube tugger: It is another advanced automated tube removal tool. It has proved to be a fast and efficient way to remove the tubes in chillers, heat exchangers and boilers. It grips, pulls and releases the targeted tubes in no time.

Hydraulic pumps: These pumps form the power source for the tube removal tools like tugger and puller. They are designed to have a compact design and can be used in any complex area.

Of late, the power driven tube removal systems have gained a huge popularity. They are quick, efficient and more over, the operator can be felt at ease. Before you operate such tool, make sure to read the instruction manual carefully.

Put An End To Old, Rusty Tubes…!!!

How old are the tubes in your firm..? Irrespective of the regular cleaning and maintenance, the older tubes have to be replaced after prolonged usage. Have a check on the performance of the tubes regularly. If you sense something wrong with the tubes, then it’s a high time for you to replace the old corroded tubes with newer ones. Hold on….! Tube pulling is not that easy. It is quite important to employ the perfect tools on the perfect systems. The range of tools available for this purpose is vast. Here under a few popular tube removal tools are listed:

Auto Stub Puller:

• Ferrous and non-ferrous tubes from power plant equipment can be pulled off quickly.

• The operator’s effort is reduced.

• In a single operation, gripping and pulling can be accomplished.

• The tube ejects out automatically after removing it.

Continuous Hydraulic Tube Puller:

• The operation is quite easy and doesn’t require a high degree of skills for the operator.

• They are so widely used that, we can find these components in the majority of the stores.

• Depending upon the tube dimensions, the pulling guns have to be selected. They are interchangeable.

• This is a portable unit and is mounted on a four wheel trolley for easy locomotion in the work space.

1_masterManual tube puller:

• As the name suggests, we don’t have to supply any external power sources for this puller.

• A hand wrench is inserted into the tubes to carry out the pulling process.

• The design is simple and it can be operated with ease.

• The appropriate one has to be selected based on the size of the tubes to be removed.

A few other handy tools:

• It is going to be a tough task to pull out tubes from thick walls. A tube wall reducer is used to thin the walls.

• A tube drift is employed to knock the tubes out of tube sheets comfortably.

• To collapse the tube and force it out of the tube sheet, employ a collapsing tube.


The procedure to pull out the tubes depends on the type of tubes, dimensions and most importantly, the tools which are being employed. Here under the sequence of operations to be performed to remove the tubes by using a continuous hydraulic tube puller is given:

• Impact wrench is used to thread the mandrel into the tube which is to be removed.

• The pulling gun is mounted onto the mandrel. Then, break down the expanded joint.

• Initiate the auto cycle and the tube gets removed.

• Finally, the mandrel has to be unscrewed.

One of the most primitive methods of tube pulling is to remove the tubes manually after crushing them. However, this method is tedious and consumes lot of time. Of late, the power driven systems as mentioned above have come into use. They have made the tube pulling quicker, safer and reliable. To increase the productivity of the firm, much more sophisticated tube pullers are being introduced with time.

Tools necessary for better boiler care

When you are working in a company with a huge boiler installed in the company premises, you must know that a boiler is of a huge importance to the company in which it is installed. Without this equipment, these companies cannot run at all. The whole production and efficiency of the company depends on the safe and smooth running of the boiler. For this reason, it is inevitable to take good care of the equipment so that it could keep working for the company for a long time. Proper care of the boiler is also necessary to ensure safety at your workplace. Without proper care and maintenance, boiler can cause many fatal accidents.

In order to keep your boiler in a healthy state, you need two main things, one is a competent boiler operator and the other is all the essential tools used in boiler maintenance. A competent boiler operator is the one, who has proper qualification of operating boiler and has ample experience of the same.

Once you have hired a competent operator for your boiler, you need to buy some essential tools and equipment that are necessary for the best working and maintenance of the boiler. Here are discussed some boiler maintenance tools that you must have with you for proper boiler care.

Boiler tube cleaners

In a boiler, tubes are the most important components that contain the heat carrying fluid of the boiler. With continuous use, the tubes of the boiler get clogged with various matters such as corroded particles of the tube, the water salts, scale, sludge and many others. Boiler tube cleaners are used for removing this sludge and other debris so that the path way for the fluid could be cleared and the maximum efficiency of the tubes could be restored. Boiler tube cleaners are available in three main types: electric, pneumatic and hydraulic tube cleaners. There are also portable tube cleaners, which are very light in weight and provide great efficiency.

01170044Tue expansion tools

Sometimes, you need to insert a tube of smaller size into a larger sized sheet. In that case, you need to increase the size of the tube to attain better working. Tube expansion tools are used for increasing the size of the tubes without damaging the tube sheet or surface. Tube expansion tools are available in pneumatic and hydraulic tube expander types.

condenser-tube-expanders-741375Tube removal tools

When you need to replace your old tubes with the new ones, you need to pull the old tubes out of the boiler without causing any damage to the boiler shell or any other boiler component. Tube removal tools are used for that purpose. They take out the old tubes in very less time and without any damage to the tubes as well as the boiler.

en-tube-removal-tools-images-hydraulic_gun-250x250With the above mentioned tools, you will be rest assured that your boiler is safe and is working without any flaw or breakdown for a long time.

Important tools needed for optimum health of your boiler

If you have a boiler installed in your company premises, you must know how important it is for your company. Any malfunction or defect in boiler can cause heavy economic loss to the company in terms of time and work. Additionally, any defect in boiler can also lead to serious accidents. For long life of your boiler and to make sure that it keeps working without any damage or accident, you must remember two points that are necessary for proper working of your boiler. One is operation of boiler and other is maintenance of your boiler.

Proper operation of your boiler can be ensured by hiring a well qualified and experienced boiler operator with a valid license for operating a boiler. A well qualified operator knows how to run a boiler on its maximum efficiency without causing any major damage or problem to the boiler.

Boiler Application 8As with any machine, boiler also needs regular maintenance and without it, it will collapse very soon. For proper maintenance of boiler, you need proper tools and equipments that can help you carrying out best maintenance of your boiler. Here is a list of several tools that are necessary for maintenance of any boiler.

Boiler tube cleaners

Boiler tube cleaners are meant for keeping boiler tubes free from any dirt, sludge or any foreign particles and make sure that tubes deliver their maximum efficiency. Electric tube cleaners are available in three types that are electric, pneumatic and hydraulic boiler tube cleaners. The boiler tube cleaners reduce the labour for cleaning of boiler and perform the task in very less time and in a better way.

Tube removal tools

When the tubes have been serving the boiler for a long time and have been ruptured to such an extent that they must be replaced with new tubes, in that case, you first need to remove the old tubes and place new tubes there. Tube removals tools such as tube puller, tube cutters, etc are very helpful in extracting tubes from the boiler without causing any major damage to the boiler shell.

wall_reducer_370Tube expanders

Tube expanders are used for expanding the diameter of the tubes when the tubes are needed to be installed in a very big area. Tube expanders are also used for expanding the diameter of the tube so that a new tube of same size could be inserted in to the old tube to cover any damage.

expandersJoint testing kits

Many times you need to make a joint in two pipes to get a desired length of the boiler tube. When a joint is introduced in a tube, it is important to make sure that the joint is completely leakage free. A leaking joint can not only cause loss of heat and fuel, but it can also lead to fatal accidents too. A joint testing kit helps you to make sure that joint is intact and leakage free.

Common types of removal tools related to tubes

Removing boiling tubes is the process of rebuilding a boiler. This sort of operation can be one of the hardest ones. In this regard, one needs to associate with a company, which has the necessary design along with the requisite experience to do the job in a skillful manner. It can also be conferred that tube removal is a process where the tubes are cut, pulling one’s tube and even knocking out tubes from the vessel. Hereby is a glance at some of the common tube removal tools.
Air/ Hydraulic Stub puller
The features of this puller are as follows:
• They tend to make pulling tubes faster and easier.
• Easy and quick arrangement to reduce downtime.
• Compact, light weight, durable and packed efficiently.
• Used in the most explosive of environments.
• One of the lowest price devices.
The ASP- 1008 is one of the most common models of the air stub puller.
One revolution tube cleaner
They tend to work effectively in both heat exchangers along with boilers. They are recommended for hand use only with the employment of a wrench. They work out to be ideal for puncturing of tubes prior to tube plugging. The standard one revolution tube cleaner have a 6“reach. The blades need to be manufactured from premium quality steel and some of major benefits of this tube cleaner are as follows
• Quickly to set up and use.
• It ensures greater productivity.
• Hex head drive- lower capital investment for drive motor.
TT tube spears
For its effective use, they need to be used with the super tube trigger to successfully pull tube in chillers, fan boilers, or condensers. One needs to simply size the spear, apply lubricant on the pulling teeth, and then, set the spear by applying a wrench. Some of the major benefits of this spear are as follows:
• New innovative design of sorts ensures that the best tool life is obtained at cost effective prices.
• The design is formulated in such a manner that the gripping end of the spear will break off in the tube itself and in the process one’ money, time along with energy is saved.
• The best value spear which is available in the market .
Pneumatic Hammer
They are used to punch the tubes out of the tube sheet and are ideally suited to be used in heat exchangers or breading tubes in fire tube boilers. Some of the major benefits of this device are as follows:
• Compact and light weight in design.
• It can reach the tightest of areas.
• Can be used for tube flaring along with collapsing. This will ensure greater productivity on all counts.
Whatever tube removal tools one uses, they need to ensure that the maintenance of the tube is in perfect condition as then only value is added to the device.