Expander for tubes are readily available online of various brands

By extending the cylinder inside the tube sheet, swaging guarantees that the space between the two parts is constantly constrained shut. Water driven developments the immediate use of high interior weight inside a cylinder or sleeve so as to shape a tight joint between the cylinder and cylinder sheet or a tight seal between the sleeve and cylinder. In coordinate hydraulic extension, the cylinder is fixed at its development zone closures and liquid weight is connected straightforwardly to within surface of the cylindrical segment being extended. Unstable development includes a hazardous charge inside the cylindrical running the length of the rounded that is fixed on the two finishes. The outside is for the most part fixed to the current packaging with a layer of fiberglass impregnated tar. A mandrel may then be pulled through the extended liner to finish the development procedure. Continue reading

Top 5 tube expansion system and tube rolling control tools

Tube expansion and rolling is a certain necessity in modern day industries. Tube expansion system and tube rolling controls are widely used for this reason. A good tube expansion system consists of easy controlling interface, adequate durability and less requirement of maintenance. There are many tube expansion system suppliers in India. Tube rolling controls and expansion are very essential in any type of industry, so many manufacturers around the country have engaged them in the fabrication of tube expansion system and tube rolling control apparatuses. From those, we have listed top 5 tube expansion system suppliers and tube rolling controls available in India.

  1. Boiler tube expanders

Boiler tube expanders are one of the most popular tube expansion tools available in the market. Most of the tube expansion system suppliers are practiced to manufacture these type of tube expanders. Boiler tube expanders have a collar attached to it. This type of tube expanders has different models fabricated by various tube expansion system suppliers. A spring is attached to apply a specific amount of thrust in the tube.

  1. Pneumatic rolling drive

This is a widely used rolling tool in our country. Tubes can be rolled perfectly without much effort using this particular device. This apparatus is apparently forged by every tube rolling control manufacturers. Small industries are very much fond of using this tool in their workshop. This type of tube rolling device can be purchased without spending too much of your resources. Most of the Pneumatic rolling drives are lightweight as they are made of aluminum. They have two throttles – push and pull. An automatic stopping feature also has been provided.

  1. Condenser tube expanders

Condenser tube expanders are one of the most popular tube expansion system used in our country. It is also known as heat exchanger tube expansion system. It is extremely useful in the expansion of copper, brass and aluminum tubes. After expansion of the tube ends, another tube is inserted into the previous one to serve the purpose of tube expansion. It is manufactured by almost every tube expansion system suppliers worldwide.

  1. Hydraulic thrust rolling tool

This device is driven by hydraulic power. Hydraulic thrust is given to roll the tubes. Absolutely leak-proof tubes can be forged using this Hydraulic thrust rolling tool. One of the most significant features of this apparatus is that it can be run at a constant RPM so that an equal pressure can be applied on every side of the tube.

  1. Long reach tube expanders

This is a very useful tool for tube expansion. It is manufactured by almost every tube expansion system suppliers in India. This type of tube expanders is available in various models. It is generally used in long range tube expansions. This device is found to be extremely user-friendly in some specific industries. In some industries, long tubes are required to be expanded and then welded together. So long reach tube expanders are used in this particular case.

Tools and equipment for best maintenance of your boilers

A boiler is equipment that is used by a large number of companies for production of steam, pressure and temperature. The steam and pressure so produced are of very high degree and can be used for carrying out various tasks such as cleaning, heating, pressing, tec. The industries like thermal electrical plants, chemical plants, Alcohol breweries and distilleries and many others make extensive use of boilers for their operations.

sketchAs the boiler equipment happens to be very big and complicated and there is a lot of money involved in it, every company management wants that once they purchase a boiler, they do not have to replace that boiler for years. For this, you need to take care of two main things that are proper operation and regular maintenance.

Proper operation means that the boiler must be operated by a well qualified professional with adequate experience in boiler operation. This will be good for both the equipment and the operator. The other thing is maintenance. Proper maintenance is necessary for maintaining better health of your equipment. Make sure that maintenance of the boiler is done under the supervision of trained and qualified professional so that there are no chances of any mistakes.


Only trained professionals are not enough to make your boiler a healthy one, you also need specialised tools and equipment to carry out proper maintenance of your boiler. Here is a list of tools and equipment that are used for maintenance of boilers.

Tube cleaning systems

Tubes of a boiler get clogged due to deposition of sludge on the inner surface of the tubes. This sludge decreases the efficiency of the boiler, and also, can cause severe damage to the tube. For the removal of this sludge, you need tube cleaning systems. There are several types of tube cleaning systems available in the market such as electric tube cleaners, hydraulic tube cleaners and pneumatic tube cleaners.

Tube expanders

Whenever you find a damaged tube in your boiler, you need to replace it with a new one. If possible, the damaged tube is pulled out and a new tube is inserted at its place. Sometimes it is not possible to pull out the tube due to several reasons. In that case, you need to expand the cross section of the tube so that a tube of same size could be inserted to restore the working of boiler. For this purpose, tubes expanders are used. The tube expander manufacturers design it in such a way that it expands the tubes to the desired dimensions without causing any cracks. You can find various pneumatic and hydraulic tube expanders in the market available for use.

Apart from that, you also need other tools such as tube facers, tube pulling equipments, tube cutters and many others. These tools makes sure that the maintenance of your boiler equipment is done well so that it could serve you for a long-long period.