Features and Characteristics of a Tube Expander

Tube expanders are of various types, which are manufactured by experienced engineers. Actually, tube expander is used for fixing and moulding tube sheets, such as; boilers and condensers.

What are the various parts of tube expander? And what are their uses?

  1. Roller: The prime work of roller is to facilitate plastic deformation in the tube. The roller is ‘tapered’ shape, and its tip has R-shaped chamfer. The R-shape at the tip of the tube helps in treatment and precision grinding.
  2. Mandrel: This specific part of tube expander tools is utilized in rotating the roller through contact friction. It is also ‘Tapered’ shape and needs to be pressure and abrasion resistant.
  3. Frame: Frame prevents falling, and provides feed angle to the groove.
  4. Bearing collar: the Bearing collar is also attached with Tube expander. It helps in achieving the effective length of the roller.

What are the various types of tube expansion?

Tube expansion is categorized into two types. “Parallel tube expansion” and “Flare tube expansion”.

  1. Parallel tube expansion: It is generally used for the expansion of heat exchangers, boilers, steam condenser etc. It uses the MB-type, CB-type, and HB-type of tube expander.
  2. Flare tube expansion: It expands tube and gives a flat shape to the end of the tube. And it uses the BK-type (BKC type) of Tube expanders.

Generally, most of the Tube expander tools are built from alloy steel and are heat treated.

Explain the construction of tube expander in details.

Most of the Tube expanders are generally feeding and parallel rolling types. And rolls generally do have a radius on both the side and helps in avoiding rigidity inside the tube.

The tube can be of various size, and the term tube O.D means the outside diameter of a tube. Tube Gauge is made up of B.W.G (Birmingham wire gauge), which is of the same thickness as a tube.

You can buy tube expander online as there are many tube expander manufacturers in India being available online. One such online site of India is

Tube Expanders provide best tube expander tools, bolting tools, spring tools etc at a reasonable rate. You can also buy impact sockets, bundle extractors from this online firm.

You can also buy them from nearby stores. After buying tube expander, you need to take extra care of them to prevent rust. Tube expanders need a reasonable amount of care for the long, durable and trouble-free suggestion.

  1. You should always remove rust and other dust, and foreign particles from both inside and outside of the tube
  2. Always wash the expander in the commercial solvent, before using it. It would help you remove dirt and grease.
  3. You should always apply a lubricant such as; TECO ‘Lube-a-tube’. It is a water-soluble lubricant and helps in tube rolling. TECO ‘Lube-a-tube’ can also be mixed with water to the desired consistency.
  4. Never leave a residue of light on the inside of tube expander tools which would help you prevent pressure tight joint.
  5. After using tube expander do not forget to wash them thoroughly with a commercial solvent, and light oil.

Experience the real easiness in tube rolling

Tube rolling or rube expansion is an important process in several applications including chillers, condensers, heat exchangers, watertube and firetube boilers and more. Perfection in tube expansion is so important to assure maximum safety and perfection for tube joints and related purposes. Innovations in technology have touched almost all of the fields to make the task simple and perfect. Yes, technological advancements have made storming changes in the design and function of tube expanders. The market is flooded with the tube expanders of different companies to select from. This provides you with the excellent opportunity to select the best based on the features and the rates.

Different purposes

Tubes are used in different applications for different purposes. Hence a single tube expander can’t work well for all of the purposes. Varying needs of tube expanders made the manufactures to introduce several series or ranges of tube expander tools to meet different requirements. This makes the purpose of the tube expander so specific and makes the task really perfect.

Boiler & CondenserTube Expander

User-friendly options

This is what creates a huge demand for the modern tube expanders in the market. It helps the user, mechanic or technician to make tube perfectly fit any of the structure without affecting the quality. Present generation hates to get engaged in tiring tasks. They really love to make use of the technologies.  Reputed manufacturers have introduced the next generation expanders that is too easy to use even with minimum expertise and training.

Quality speaks

Make sure that you get a flawless and faultless expander for your intended purpose. Reputed companies provide utmost importance to quality. They make use of the high-quality raw material, innovative techniques in manufacturing and adhere to the industrial standards to serve the market with quality expanders.


At present, it is so easy to get the cost of the expanders without taking a walk out of your home. Yes, most of the reputed suppliers of tube expanders have their online store to serve the customers at any time on the clock. You can make use of this excellent opportunity to know about the cost of the expander. It is better to visit the online store of reputed brands or companies and to compare the rates in accordance with the features. This helps you a lot in getting a quality product at really affordable rates.


It is not an easy task to build a good reputation in the present competitive market. The company has to prove quality in both product and services. Yes, reputed tube expansion systems suppliers never create any sort of problem for the customers in both product and service. They provide excellent customer service and after sale services. This is so important since the new user has to get familiar with the working of the tube expander. Tube expander with advanced features make the process so simple and help you save a lot of time, effort and human intervention. Hence it helps to reduce the cost related to tube expansion process.

Now place your order for tube expander to experience the real easiness in tube rolling.

The Best Tools For Tube Expansion

There are many units in industries where machines are attached with tubes. These machines are usually boiler and other processors where the material is processed. The material is brought to the boiler with the help of tubes and also carried out by other tubes that are used for finished products. Some tubes are also used for venting out the vapor and removal of wastage. However, in some cases, the tubes are required to be expanded to meet the ends and expand the size.  The material of these tubes depends on the process as well as material for which they are used.

The device:

For expansion of tubes,tube expander tool is used. It is a device made by different producers and proven much effective for the expansion of the tubes made of different materials. They are with the feature as per which the user can expand the tubes to a certain level which is required for the process. The device is available from numerous makers in the market. There are various features in some of the devices that can help the operator carryout the task easily. Some of the devices are completely manually operated while a few are there which are automatic also. It goes on the choice of the user which sort of device he wants to go. In thecase of a huge task, the automatic can be more helpful than the manual one as the manual may prove a little time-consuming. The makers provide the tools with the best of the quality as well as the set parameters of the industry so that the user can have best of the result while using the device and getting the end resultas the expansion of the concerned tube. There are also standards for the tube expander tools set by various agencies that makers follow.

Buy the best of the device easily:

There are many people who need to buy the device. In such case, one wonders from where a quality device can be availed. Well, there are some options that can help the buyer. One is the local market while the second one is the online market. In the past, the local market was the only source, but these days there are also many sellers who sell these devices on various online platforms. Hence the availability of a quality device is not a big trouble now. One can simply walkinto the local shop and ask for the device to the seller. If he has the device, he will show them and also provide the rates as well as the features. In case he has the device from different manufacturers he can show all of them so that the buyer can have wide choice to select a device from. One can negotiate rates and also check for the guarantee on the device. In the online market, one needs to check the device through images and pictures. If the buyer is satisfied, he can place the order after making the payment.

The Tools That Can Help Expand The Tubes

The tubes are a part of most of the modern machines as well as industry. There are countless machines used in different industries and in such machines the material supply or even output of some of the machines is carried out by the tubes. There are different sizes of the tubes which are used in the industries. These tubes need to be fixed with other tubes to have a firm joint but what to do if the sizes of both the tubes are same in width? Well, in that case, one needs to expand the end of one tube so that the other tube can be fixed into it easily.

To meet this requirement of the industry, there are tube expander tools used by the operators so that the fixing of the tube can be permanent and that too easily.

The tube expander tool:

The tube expander tool varies as per the size of the tube as there are different types of tubes used in different fields. The job of tube expander is to expand the end of the tube so that in the one end of the tube the end of another tube can be easily fixed. Hence it can offer a better joint where there can be no probability of any leakage at all. The option of using expander is must in some cases where the hazardous chemicals and harmful gases, as well as vapor, need to be moved. Usually, the expansion of a tube is carried out by an expert operator only but with the help of these expanders even a novice can also carry out the job effectively and as expected. There are different types of expanders in the market from which one can choose that fits best.

The shopping of the device:

The shopping of the device is a little tricky question as there are only a few options available to the buyer. If the buyer is in dire need of the device, he can simply rush to the nearest shop of the hardware vendor and check if he has got the device. The buyer can ask to show various options and seller may display the devices from various makers with different features. There are many sellers of the device in almost every city, and hence one can check the price of the product with different sellers. He can check the product there only and ask the seller about different information if he requires. The buyer can pay and get the device for immediate use also.

The next option is to get the device from an online store. As there are many online stores in this age of information technology, one can check the availability of the device on these stores also. The buyer can check the pictures of the device provided on the site and also go through the description provided on the site which can help one understand if it is the same one which he requires. One can pay online and get the device couriered on his address.

Knowing how tube expander device is to be selected

Tube expander tools are considered to be that equipment which tends to find to be useful on regular basis. The tool is known to find application specifically within the industrial area, where heaters, equalizers and boilers require frequent expansions. Therefore, it tends to become quite imperative for choosing a wonderful tool for deriving the desired results. It is the requirement that does become the benchmark when it comes to choosing any tool.  The requirements are to be carefully understood for choosing an apt tool.

Guide to identifying a tool and its usage

tube expander tools

Four-Roll Parallel expansion tool

Such tools are stated to be found in two types, which is the straight roll type and the other one being Double flare type.

  • Straight Roll: Such tools have been stated to be quite effective within a limited space. Using small head holes and headers, it is possible to have any area to be reached with great ease, even if there is available less space. Basically, these tools assist with straight expansion process that is necessary generally before or after the process of welding. Also, they have been stated to be ideal for any kind of air heater or boiler type.
  • Double Flare Roll: Such tools are created from two flaring and four expanding rolls, which can help to ease both operations simultaneously. Moreover, they are created of special nickel chrome steel-alloy type that is treated in an electric furnace for increasing service life. Such tools have been termed to be flexible, because of its interchangeable rolls and mandrels. This type of roll has been stated to be quite an ideal one for water tube boilers, fire tube boilers, economizers and air heaters. The outer dimension of these tools usually is between 2 – 4 ½ inches.

Since there are available plenty of options, there is a need to make a well informed choice which can fit effectively the specific requirements. As a matter of fact, expansion tools can prove to be quite useful and the right type can help the entrepreneur to achieve his business goals and objectives with great ease.

Three Roll Parallel Expansion Tool

These tools imply three fold mechanisms basically. Furthermore, it is into two types that they are categorized:

  • Straight Roll: Such types have been termed to be quite effective in its usage, as they have been designed for reaching greater depths. Effective roll strength is slated to be their main highlight, making it quite ideal to roll out any type of thick tube sheets. Moreover, the ball bearing collars have been designed in having friction free thrusts, thereby allowing ease of working. Such tools do come within ranges of 2” – 3 ½” outer diameters.
  • Single Flare Roll: This tool’s basic objective is to offer rolling and flaring action within single maneuver. Nickel-chrome alloy steel of special type is used for ensuring greater service life and enhancing its longevity. It offers the users with both flaring and rolling action, while boasting of having amazing flexibility. Such tools are termed to be just ideal for super heaters, fire tube boilers and water boilers and their outer diameter come usually in ranges of 1”.

Getting to know about the tube expander tools can help the person to make a well informed choice.