Tips to help select the apt tube expander tool

In the present scenario, if there is a tool, which finds its application almost on a regular basis, it is the tube expanders tools.  This specifically finds application in the industrial area wherein the boilers, heaters and equalizers need expansion on a frequent basis. Hence, it becomes imperative to select the perfect tool to get the desired results. Herein the requirement becomes a benchmark to select the tool. It is very important to understand your requirement in order to select the apt tool. Here is a little guide, which will help to identify the tool along with its usage:

tube expander tools

Three Roll Parallel Expanding Tool

Three Roll Parallel Expanding tools imply the basic three fold mechanism. They are further categorized into two types:

  • Single Flare Roll Type- The basic aim of this tool is to provide rolling as well as flaring action in a single manoeuvre. The tools are made of special kind of nickel chrome alloy steel, which ensures the longetivity of its service life. As they provide both rolling and flaring action, they have an amazing flexibility. These tools are ideal for water boilers, super heaters and fire tube boilers. They usually come in the range of one inch outer diameter.
  • Straight Roll Type- The straight roll types are very effective since they are designed to reach great depths. Their highlight is the effective roll length, which makes it ideal for rolling any thick tube sheets. Also the ball bearing collars are designed to have thrust that makes it friction free allowing a greater ease of working. These tools usually come in the range of two inches to three and a half inches outer diameter

Four Roll Parallel Expanding Tool

Four Roll parallel expanding tools are again of two types- Double flare and straight roll type

  • Double Flare roll type – These tools are made up of four expanding rolls and two flaring ones that can ease both the operations at a single go. They are made of special kind of nickel chrome steel alloy, which are treated in electric furnace in order to increase its service life. These tools are quite flexible in nature, owing to the interchangeable mandrels and rolls. Double flare four roll is ideal for fire tube boilers, water tube boilers, air heaters and economizers. These tools outer dimension is usually two inches to four and a half inches.
  • Straight Roll Type- These tools are very effective wherein there is limited space. With the help of headers and small head holes, they can reach any area even if the space is less. They basically help in straight expanding process, which is usually required after or before the welding process. They are ideal for any type of boilers and air heaters.

With so any options available in the market, just select a one that closely fits into your requirement. Expanding tools are really very helpful and with the apt kind one can easily achieve the goal.

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