Get The Perfect Turn..!!!

When you are dealing with assembling, manufacturing or servicing operations, a must have tool in your kit is a torque wrench. They are meant to apply a specified torque on the fasteners so that they don’t stretch or break due to over load nor come out loose due to under torquing. The applications of the torque wrench include fasteners of vehicles, ball joint studs, axle nuts, lug nuts, intake exhaust manifold fasteners, fly wheel bolts, crankshaft pulley bolts, cam shaft timing gear bolts and many more. Before you approach torque wrench suppliers, have a quick look at this.

Why Use A Torque Wrench…?

The twisting force on any object is termed as torque. Best results can be obtained only when you apply the desired torque level on the fasteners.

• These tools can enhance the performance of your vehicles. If the wheels of your vehicle are improperly torqued, there are good chances that it can result in a disaster. This problem magnifies in case of heavy vehicles. One has to understand that the over torquing is equally undesirable as under torquing.

• Applying excess torque on the fasteners can strip the lug nuts or wrap rotors. It also induces significant amount of strain on the lugs, which results in their breakage. Lugs come out loose when you under torque them. The result is that the wheels fall off..! The magnitude of the problem caused by this can be imaginable.


• The torque wrench enhances the abilities of the fasteners, thus resulting in increased quality and reliable safety of the application. Tightening the bolt to undesired levels can result in breakage of the fastener and thereby can also damage the application.

When you are using a torque wrench, you must calibrate it regularly. Failing to do so, the quality of the work performed might come down. There are many factors like the temperature changes, stresses induced and others which increase the need to calibrate the tool.

Types Of Torque Wrenches:

• Bending beam: If you don’t have the need to use a torque wrench very often, then prefer this type. When you apply the torque, the beam at the centre rotates, moving the pointer to move over a calibrated scale. Here, the amount of torque applied can be read directly. Beware of parallax error while using this device.

• Micrometer clicker: If you are dealing with large assemblies, prefer a clicker type of torque wrench. It eliminates the need to check the pointer for every single use. It generates a click sound which is loud enough to hear as the torque applied reaches desired levels. If you are using it parts like internal engine fasteners and suspension, make sure to calibrate them regularly.

• Dial gauges and digital electronic torque wrench: These devices are the most advanced and accurate than other types. The digital indicator displays the torque applied. Talking about the price of these wrenches, they are just too expensive..! However, they are the best choice when you are dealing with racing cars and NASCAR engines.

Aiding The Art Of Expanding Tubes…!!!

If you are planning to pull out the old rusty tubes and install newer ones from the boiler, it’s time for you to search for the tube expanders. We present you all about the boiler tube expanders. Just check it out..!!!

Methods Of Tube Expansion:

In the process of tube expansion, the tubes are joined together by expanding the tube inside the tube sheet. Hydraulic expansion is one of the most widely used methods of tube expansion in boilers. In this method, high pressure is applied inside the tube, which results in a perfect joint. Check out the two major processes in it.


• The direct expansion system is a simpler process. Calculated hydraulic pressure is applied internally at the expanded area.

• The other process is the explosive expansion of the tubes. As the name suggests, an explosive charge is placed inside the tube. On detonation, immense pressure is generated which results in the joining of the two tubes. The outside area of the tubes is sealed to avoid the damage.

Mechanical rolling is another predominantly used rolling process. A set of hardened rolls is used to exert the predetermined radial force at the point of contact between the tube and rolls. The two major processes of mechanical rolling are listed below:

• In the process of linear swaging, the tube to be joined is made to suspend from a wire line. It is then expanded by forcing a mandrel into it.

• Another process of mechanical rolling is the rotary swaging. In this process a cone, which has external rollers is employed to carry out the expansion process. The rotation of the cone while pulling creates the necessary pressure to expand the tube.

Major Causes Of Tube Leaks:

• A perfect fit can be achieved only after the predetermined expansion of the tubes. When the tube is not expanded to the fullest, it fails to make a contact with the tube sheets. This results in leakage.

• In contrast to the above case, if the tube is expanded excessively, it can cause serious damage to the vessel. It is firmly believed that it is better to under roll than to over roll. This statement shows how drastic could be the effects of over rolling.

• The tube holes have to be well prepared before performing the operation on them. Improper preparation makes it too difficult to expand the tubes. The smoother the finish of tube sheets, the better is the expanding process.

• Another major problem faced while dealing with thicker tube sheets is due to their thermal expansions. The temperatures produced during this process expand the tube and tube sheets. Make sure to clean the surfaces of the tubes and tube sheets.

• Drill and ream the tube holes to achieve desired dimensions. After preparation, make sure to coat them with rust preventive compounds. Clear the tube ends from foreign materials, if any. You need to be extremely careful when you have to force a tube. If you have any plans of using a hammer, we suggest you to try springing rather than hammering.

Keep Your Boiler Efficient For A Long Time With Proper Tools And Equipment

With the increasing trend towards better quality of products, customers are now ready to pay anything for better quality products. This has also encouraged industries to use the best available technologies and machines to produce only the best quality of products. This is the only way for industries to beat the fierce competition in the markets. There is a wide variety of equipment and machines that are used in industries for production of better quality products. One such equipment is boiler. The boiler is a type of giant equipment that is used for production of very high amount of heat and pressurized steam. This heat and steam are further used for a variety of processes and purposes such as heating, boiling, sterilization and many more.

The boiler is such a huge and giant machine that it needs a high level of care and maintenance to stay safe and keep running for a long time. If the companies ignore the care and maintenance of ether boilers, they not might lose a lot of money in a very little time, but it can also be very dangerous for the people working around the boiler.

When it comes to boiler maintenance, there is a plethora of tools and equipments that one needs to take good care of a boiler. Here are some of those.


Boiler tube cleaners

Boiler tube cleaners are regularly used for cleaning the tubes of a boiler. These systems are used for removal of sludge, scale and other foreign particles from the inner surface of the tube so that they could perform with full efficiency. There are several different types of tube cleaning systems available in the markets such as electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic tube cleaners. There are also portable tube cleaners available that are very easy to use and handy to carry.

Tube End Facers

When a new tube is installed in a boiler, many times the tubes become shorter for the length of the boiler. In that case, two tubes are joined together to obtain a desired length. These tubes are joined through welding process. For a stronger joint, the ends of the tubes must be perfectly flat and free from any holes or grooves. The tube end facers are the ideal tools to give the tubes a perfectly flat face so that and efficient and long lasting weld could be created at the joint of the tubes.

Tube expanders

Tube expanders are used for increasing the diameter of the tubes when they are smaller in size as compared to the cavity in the tubes sheet. The tube expanders are best for increasing the size of the tubes to a significant level without causing any damage to the tube surface and without taking much time.

Along with these, there are flaring tools, tube pullout tools, tube drift and many others that help in keeping the boilers efficient for a long time.

Get the Best Out Of Your Condensers with Proper Operational and Maintenance

HVAC is a field that has gained a lot of popularity in last several years. Today, heat ventilation and air conditioning is a basic need for many industries. The use of HVAC is extensive in both domestic as well as industrial sectors. The most of the industries that use HVAC as a major service include medical and industrial laboratories, ice-cream factories, food grain storage, chemical manufacturing plants and so forth. The only thing common in the above industries is that they require a very high amount of difference in temperature at two different points to conduct some special processes, which are possible only in extremely low temperatures. To achieve such great differences in temperature between two given points, condensers are used. The condensers are sophisticated equipments that are utilized for creation of very high amount of temperature differences in industrial as well as domestic usage. The condensers just work like air conditioners, but apart from cooling, the condensers can also be used for giving heating effects. This enables the users of condensers to achieve any type of climatic conditions in an enclosed area.

A major factor that may affect the efficiency f the condensers is the pressure inside them. The pressure is a primary factor that helps in performing better. A condenser works on the principle that if a fluid is compressed enough and then is decompressed with great speed, there is a steep decrease in the temperature of the fluid. This drop in the temperature can be sued for various purposes further. In condensers, the fluid is first compressed and then it is cooled with the help of a blower fan or a stream of cold water. This significantly lowers down the temperature of the fluid. After the cooling process, the fluid is decompressed at a high rate. This leads to extremely low temperature drop of the fluid that helps in attaining low temperature in enclosed areas like laboratories.


Generally, the fluid used in the condensers is a gas or liquid. This liquid or gas can easily leak out of the condenser tubes; hence it should be kept in mind that the condenser tubes are always in good condition. The tubes of the condenser must be kept free from any sort of leakage and should always remain intact. In addition to that, the maintenance of the condenser should also be performed at a regular and frequent level.

The tubes of a condenser are very delicate and can be easily damaged due to choking of chemicals, external impact or corrosion. It is essential to make sure that proper maintenance of the condenser tubes is performed with the help of different tools such as condenser tube cleaners, condenser tube expanders and so forth. If there is any fault found in the condenser tubes, it should be rectified immediately for restoration of the working of the condenser. With proper maintenance and operation, it is possible not only to make the condensers operational for a long time but also to obtain better efficiency from them.