Seal It to Perfection with tube expanders …!!!

The ultimate aim of tube expansion is to create a perfect mechanical seal. Tube expanders are extensively used in power plant equipment like condensers, boilers, heat exchangers. In this article, an overview of condenser tube expanders is presented. These devices can effectively roll the tubes which have sharp bends, u turns. These expanders also increase the durability of the condenser tubes by reducing wear and tear caused during the cleaning process.

Operating Tips:

  • Select the correct materials for the application from a wide of range of softer alloys to sophisticated stainless steels.
  • Higher speed of rotation can reduce the lifetime of the expander. It also results in excessive heat generation. Hence, it is advisable to employ coolant in its operation.
  • Improperly rolled joints delay the working process and adds up to the total expenses.
  • Under rolled ones should be rectified by re rolling before operation.
  • Complete tube replacement should be done in case of over rolled dies.


Care and Maintenance:

  • Before every use, ensure that the devices are free from dirt and other foreign materials.
  • Lubricate the moving parts periodically to increase its durability.
  • The rolls and mandrels should be inspected regularly for cracks, chips or any other form of mechanical damages. Replace them if required.
  • Once the rolling process is completed, the expander has to be cleaned thoroughly.
  • The speed with which the expander rotates should be in proportionate to the tube size, gauge and length of the tube sheet.


Which expander best fits for your application…? The answer for this question lies in the specifications of the product. Here under a few basic specifications are presented.

  • Tube outer diameter
  • Tube gauge
  • Tube inner diameter
  • Tube sheet thickness
  • Maximum expansion of tool
  • Mandrel number
  • Recommended rolling motors


The performance and versatility in the applications of the tube expanders can be enhanced by employing various accessories as follows:

  • Tube end facer: It is designed to face the ends of the tubes in condensers.
  • Tube guide: As the name suggests, it is used to guide tubes through tube sheets. It provides protection to the tube ends.
  • Push type tube cutter: It is usually driven by a pneumatic or electric drill motor. Adjustable spring loaded cutters are used in these devices.
  • Tube wall reducer: The wall thickness of the tube which has to be replaced can be reduced by these devices.
  • Tube wall collapser: Tube ends can be removed effectively by employing collapsers. In general, they are used in conjunction with a tube wall reducer.
  • Tube gauge: Internal diameters of tubes and tube sheet holes can be measured accurately by tube gauges.
  • Grooving tool: To cut grooves or remove existing grooves in tube sheets, make the use of this device.

Author’s Bio: The author is the chief design engineer who is currently working for The author aims at bringing out new designs and development of existing designs of condenser tube expanders to meet the rapidly changing applications.

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