Wrenches with more power

Whenever the term joints are used, the wrench is the tool that would accompany it. Surprisingly, the wrench happens to be the most sought tool for labourers for joining and for holding a component. Come what may, the wrench is never replaced by any tool till date except for the power applied to it. The power applied to the wrench can be anything like manual force, electric power or the sophisticated hydraulic power. But still, the wrench occupies an unshakable position in tool category for its indispensable nature. A wrench makes use of torque applied to the lever to fasten a bolt. In addition to the torque, a clamping force is applied on the jaws of the wrench making sure the bolt does not slip away from its place or from the jaw of the wrench.


Though the operation of wrench may appear simple, the fabrication of the wrench is quite complicated. The need of various wrenches varies with its application and size of the operation. For instance, rugged jaw wrench cannot be used for precise operations as it might reduce the diameter of the bolt head. So, every wrench needs to have prescribed size, and more importantly the amount of power that can be transmitted to fasten the bolt.

It might be clear to illustrate with an example. To fasten the bolts of a Tyre of a truck, the workmen used to lean or jump on the lever to produce enough torque. These practices are being eliminated slowly owing to the advent of technology in tool industry. Though only the power applied is different, the entire component of the wrench is altered to perfection and efficient operation. Since time immemorial, men are dependent on fluid power. The most commonly used power system is the hydraulic system for its reliability and the ability to multiply power to many times.

Based on this principle, hydraulic torque wrenches manufacturers have developed the breakthrough invention of wrenches that operate on hydraulic power. The power developed on a hydraulic device can be explained by a small example. A hand operated hydraulic lift can produce power enough to lift closet full of clothes. When this power is used for clamping and torque, the enormous power developed by the hydraulic setup produces the forces required to do the job of a conventional wrench, with the difference being simplicity in operation.

Mass production is another region where these wrenches would prove helpful. The time taken by a laborer to fasten ten bolts is exactly the time required by a hydraulically powered wrench to fasten 214 bolts (As per the study conducted by ACME). This enables the work to be made efficient and also time-saving. Hence, the cost of the finished parts becomes less and the human effort is reduced. The hydraulic powered wrenches do not require any complex supportive equipment or special degree courses. The operation is very simple even simpler than a conventional wrench operation. These are the changes the modern age wrenches do to the world.

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