Role of bolting tools in better safety at industries

In industries, everyday many different small and big tasks and operations are performed using various industrial tools and equipment. These industrial operations are very crucial and must be done efficiency and accurately to ensure the best quality of work and end products in the industries. One such operation that is carried out in almost every industry on a daily basis is the bolting operation. Bolting operation is done for fastening and loosening the nuts and bolts. Proper bolting is necessary for better quality and better safety at your workplace, and hence various bolting tools are used in industries because, without proper bolting tools, bolting operations cannot be done efficiently. This is not only bad for the quality of the products, but also bad for the safety purpose. Here are some of the bolting tools that are used in industries:

impatImpact wrenches

Impact wrenches are used for bolting operations where you need a very high power but accuracy is not a major issue. Impact wrenches are used with a very high impact force, which is used for tightening and loosening of the fasteners. The impact wrenches are used with specially designed impact sockets or power sockets as normal sockets are not suitable to withstand such high impact. They can easily deformed and shatter into small pieces which can be another safety threat for the workers. On the other hand, the impact sockets are specially designed to work under high impact forces and can be used with impact wrenches without any deformation or shattering. Impact wrenches are available in the market in three types i.e. electric, pneumatic and hydraulic impact wrenches.

Torque wrenches

The torque wrenches are used at places where you need a very high power and high precision of operations. The torque wrenches are very efficient as they are provided with an analogue or digital metre, which lets you know how much force you have applied on the fastener. In this way, you can stop the application of the force at the right time, which will prevent over tightening of the fastener. If the fastener is over-tightened, it can damage the nut head and even the assembly. The torque wrenches are available in three types viz. simple, pneumatic and hydraulic torque wrenches. Among all of them, the hydraulic torque wrenches manufacturers provide you wrenches with the best accuracy and very quite operation.

Nut splitters

Many times in an industry, we face the situation of a jammed nut. Most of the people try to move a jammed nut with the help of hammering and other forced methods, which is not right. Hammering can damage the assembly near the nut, as well as it can produce sparks, which might not be suitable for some environments like oil and gas pipelines. Nut splitter can be used at such places to move a jammed nut in very less time without causing any damage to the assembly or the creating any sparks.

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